/* https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/solareqns.PDF
 * Bad time offset equation - corrections sent to NOAA
 * gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wshadow -Werror -std=c11 -Ofast -o sunrise-sunset sunrise-sunset.c -lm
 * provide lattitude longitude as first two arguments to program
 * (uses Nacogdoches lat/lon if none provided)
 * Nacogdoches, Addison Airport (KADS) and San Gabriel in Austin, shown below.
 * Or use iPhone Maps and look at the pin info to get exact current lat/lon.
 * NOTE: longitude west of the Prime Meridian is *Negative* (that's the US)

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Nacogdoches lat/lon */
#define NACLAT 31.62965
#define NACLON -94.62127
/* KADS 32.97 -96.83
 * San Gabriel Austin 30.28 -97.74

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327

typedef struct {
  double  lat,          /* lattitude (deg) */
          lon,          /* longitude (deg) */
          fracyr,       /* fractional year (rad) */
          eqtime,       /* equation time */
          decl,         /* declination angle */
          toff,         /* time offset (min) */
          tst,          /* true solar time (min) */
          ha,           /* solar hour angle (deg) */
          sza,          /* solar zenith angle */
          sa,           /* solar azimuth */
          sr,           /* sunrise (min) */
          ss,           /* sunset (min) */
          sn;           /* solar noon  */
  int tzone;            /* local timezone offset (+ East of Prime Meridian) */
} solar_position;

typedef struct {
  int h, m ,s;
} h_m_s;

/* get nowtm in broken-down time GMT */
struct tm *gmt_tm (struct tm *nowtm)
  time_t now;

  time (&now);

  return gmtime_r (&now, nowtm);

/* convert radians to degrees */
double r2deg (const double r) {
  return r * 180.0 / M_PI;

/* convert degrees to radians */
double deg2r (const double d) {
  return d * M_PI / 180.0;;

/* is year leapyear */
int is_leap_year (int year)
    return (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0);

/* convert seconds to h, m, s */
h_m_s sec2hms (double s)
  h_m_s hms = { .h = s / 3600 };    /* initialize hours */

  s -= hms.h * 3600;                /* subtract hours no. of secs */
  hms.m = s / 60;                   /* compute minutes */
  hms.s = (int)s - hms.m * 60;      /* subtract min no. of secs for seconds */

  return hms;       /* return struct */

void test (struct tm ntm, solar_position *sp)
  printf ("Current Date/Time (UTC) : %02d/%02d/%d - %02d:%02d:%02d\n"
          "Day of week             : %3d    (0 = Sunday)\n"
          "Day of year             : %3d    (0 - 365, 366 for leapyear)\n"
          "Daylight Savings Time   : %3d    (0 - not in effect)\n"
          "Timezone offset         : %3d    (hours)\n\n",
          ntm.tm_mon + 1, ntm.tm_mday, ntm.tm_year + 1900,
          ntm.tm_hour, ntm.tm_min, ntm.tm_sec,
          ntm.tm_wday, ntm.tm_yday + 1, ntm.tm_isdst, sp->tzone);

  printf ("Lattitude: % g\nLongitude: % g\n\n", sp->lat, sp->lon);

  printf ("  sp->fy  : % 12.6f  fractional year\n"
          "  sp->et  : % 12.6f  equation of time (min)\n"
          "  sp->dcl : % 12.6f  declination (radians)\n"
          "  sp->ha  : % 12.6f  hour angle (radians)\n\n"
          "  sp->sr  : % 12.6f  (UTC min)\n"
          "  sp->ss  : % 12.6f  (UTC min)\n"
          "  sp->sn  : % 12.6f  (UTC min)\n\n"
          "  len day : % 12.6f  (daylight min)\n\n",
          sp->fracyr, sp->eqtime, r2deg(sp->decl), sp->ha,
          sp->sr, sp->ss, sp->sn, sp->ss - sp->sr);

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

  /* general solar position calculations */
  solar_position sp = { .lat = argc > 1 ? 0. : NACLAT,
                        .lon = argc > 2 ? 0. : NACLON };
  struct tm ntm = { .tm_sec = 0 };

  sp.tzone = -6;    /* default Central Standard Time zone offset */

  if (argc > 1 && sscanf (argv[1], "%lf", &sp.lat) != 1) {
    fputs ("error: invalid lattitude provided as first-argument.\n", stderr);
    return 1;

  if (argc > 2 && sscanf (argv[2], "%lf", &sp.lon) != 1) {
    fputs ("error: invalid longitude provided as second-argument.\n", stderr);
    return 1;

  if (argc > 3 && sscanf (argv[3], "%d", &sp.tzone) != 1) {
    fputs ("error: invalid timezone offset provided as third-argument.\n",
    return 1;

  if (gmt_tm (&ntm) == NULL) {
    fputs ("error: gmtime_r failed.\n", stderr);
    return 1;
  ntm.tm_isdst = 0;

  /*  = 2 * M_PI / 365 * (day_of_year - 1 + (hour - 12) / 24
   *  so for struct tm, ntm.tm_mon + 1 - 1 => ntm.tm_mon
  sp.fracyr = 2 * M_PI / (365. + is_leap_year (ntm.tm_year + 1900)) *
              (ntm.tm_yday + (ntm.tm_hour - 12) / 24.);

  /* estimate the equation of time (in minutes) */
  sp.eqtime = 229.18 * (0.000075 + 0.001868 * cos(sp.fracyr) -
              0.032077 * sin(sp.fracyr) - 0.014615 * cos(2 * sp.fracyr) -
              0.040849 * sin(2 * sp.fracyr));

  /* estimate the solar declination angle (in radians) */
  sp.decl = 0.006918 - 0.399912 * cos(sp.fracyr) + 0.070257 * sin(sp.fracyr) -
            0.006758 * cos(2 * sp.fracyr) + 0.000907 * sin(2 * sp.fracyr) -
            0.002697 * cos(3 * sp.fracyr) + 0.00148 * sin(3 * sp.fracyr);

  /* ha for special case of sunrise/sunset.
   * zenith is set to 90.833 (the approximate correction for atmospheric
   * refraction at sunrise and sunset, and the size of the solar disk)
  sp.ha = acos (cos(deg2r (90.833)) / cos(deg2r (sp.lat)) * cos(sp.decl) -
                      tan(deg2r (sp.lat)) * tan(sp.decl));

  /* UTC time of sunrise [+] (or sunset [-]) in minutes */
  sp.sr = 720 - 4 * (sp.lon + r2deg (sp.ha)) - sp.eqtime;
  sp.ss = 720 - 4 * (sp.lon - r2deg (sp.ha)) - sp.eqtime;

  /* UTC time for solar noon in minutes */
  sp.sn = 720 - 4 * sp.lon - sp.eqtime;

  test (ntm, &sp);

  printf ("  sp.ha   : % 12.6f  (deg)\n\n", r2deg(sp.ha));

  puts ("Localtime Minutes:\n");
  /* local time (minutes) */
  double  sr = sp.sr + 60 * (sp.tzone + ntm.tm_isdst),
          ss = sp.ss + 60 * (sp.tzone + ntm.tm_isdst),
          sn = sp.sn + 60 * (sp.tzone + ntm.tm_isdst);

  /* convert minutes to h, m, s */
  h_m_s hms_sr = sec2hms (sr * 60),
        hms_ss = sec2hms (ss * 60),
        hms_sn = sec2hms (sn * 60);

  printf ("  sr.sp      : % 12.6f  (min)\n"
          "  sp.ss      : % 12.6f  (min)\n"
          "  sp.sn      : % 12.6f  (min)\n\n"
          "  sunrise    : %02d:%02d:%02d\n"
          "  sunset     : %02d:%02d:%02d\n"
          "  solor noon : %02d:%02d:%02d\n\n",
          sr, ss, sn,
          hms_sr.h, hms_sr.m, hms_sr.s,
          hms_ss.h, hms_ss.m, hms_ss.s,
          hms_sn.h, hms_sn.m, hms_sn.s);
